Christopher Lee (1922-2015)

Sad that this is what brings be back to this site after nearly a month of dithering about, but Christopher Lee lived too full a life to ignore. If Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart are my fantasy grandpas then Mr. Lee was the great uncle who told you terrifying stories about his days as a Nazi hunting, King of the Undead, Sith Lord badass supreme but was so gifted a storyteller you kept asking to hear more as you peaked your nose up from behind the sofa.

The Lord of the Rings is my favorite film and as Mr. Lee was the only cast member who knew J.R.R. Tolkien himself and had a passion for the Middle-earth mythos that was unparalleled even among that rabid fandom he played a huge role in strengthening the heart of the project. I want to thank him for contributing to my life in such a meaningful way and am glad that he lived a life perhaps as full as someone could lead.

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